If you want to save your money and time while learning to drive then your selection should be automatic car with right driving instructor who knows how to teach you automatic car and this will be consider as an asset for your future.
If you have selected manual car for learning to drive, you have to change gears frequently and at the same time you have to control steering and keep your attention on road and also to keep eye on other car users to keep your drive safe. But as far as the Automatic car is concerned it is easy to learn than manual car, and it is more helpful for those who like to learn driving quickly and they feel trouble in driving manual car due to gear selection and clutch pressing. Automatic car is also feasible for disable persons.
Driving and learning with an automatic car is simpler than driving a vehicle with manual gears for the reason that the car senses when to change and shifts gear automatically and you have not to worry to press clutch before changing the gear.
Due to automatic changing's of gears, you can keep full concentration on car driving and you have not to bother about gear changing and you will feel safer and would be able to keep eye on other road users and could drive more comfortably on the road.